EdcMetricValue Data Type

EdcMetricValue represents an instance of a metric stored in metricsByValue or metricsByTimestamp column families. The metric is defined by a timestamp, a value and the UUID of the message on which the metric was published. The timestamp is a long type. The value is the string representation of the corresponding value object.????? For the primitive types, the conversion is straight forward. Values of type base64Binary represent a metric of type byte array; in this case, the metric value is serialized into a base64 encoded string.

name data type description
timestamp number Timestamp of the Metric.
value string String representation of the Metric value according to the Metric type.
UUID string
uuid string UUID of the messages on which the metric was published.


  "timestamp" : 12345,
  "value" : "...",
  "UUID" : "...",
  "uuid" : "..."