ProvisionRequestCreator Data Type

ProvisionRequestCreator is a object used to create a provision request for a target device into the Everyware platform.

Mandatory fields are: accountId, retryMaxAttempts, provisionUserUsername, provisionUserPassword. Other field that are not set in the ProvisionRequestCreator will be set to the default value of their type.

ClientId, provisionUserUsername, provisionUserPassword must match exactly the values that the device will use to connect the first time to the provision broker.
ClientId is unique within an account, that means that must not exist more the one request for the same ClientId for an account.
ActivatesOn must be after the Expiration date, otherwise the creation will fail.
GenerateActivation key is optional. If set to true a 32 char random string will be generated and associated with the provision request.
A device must provide that activation key upon ask to be provisioned to the provision broker.
ProvisionProperties are not used at the moment.
ProvisionAttachment are optional. It can be specified only one configuration update, while bundle have a limit of 9 for a total of 10 max attachments. If no configuration attachment is passed the system will generate a configuration using values retrieved from the target account and from the device. By set OverwriteIfDuplicate flag to true any existing provision request for the specified ClientId will be overwritten by this provision request. If set to false and a duplicate exist the creation will return an error.

name data type constraints description
accountId number required
activatesOn number  
expiresOn number  
clientId string  
generateActivationKey boolean required
provisionUserUsername string  
provisionUserPassword string  
retryMaxAttempts number required
provisionAttachments array of JobAttachmentCreator  
overwriteIfDuplicate boolean required
provisionSecureURL boolean required
deviceCredentialsTight DeviceCredentialsTight  


  "accountId" : 12345,
  "activatesOn" : 12345,
  "expiresOn" : 12345,
  "clientId" : "...",
  "generateActivationKey" : true,
  "provisionUserUsername" : "...",
  "provisionUserPassword" : "...",
  "retryMaxAttempts" : 12345,
  "provisionAttachments" : [ {
    "name" : "...",
    "contentType" : "FILE",
    "body" : "..."
  }, {
    "name" : "...",
    "contentType" : "URL",
    "body" : "..."
  } ],
  "overwriteIfDuplicate" : true,
  "provisionSecureURL" : true,
  "deviceCredentialsTight" : "STRICT"