VpnConnection Data Type

VpnConnection represents a currently active connection to the VPN Server and it keeps track of the device and the user who initiated it.

name data type constraints description
id number required
accountId number required
createdOn number  
modifiedOn number  
userId number required
deviceId string  
inetAddress string  
optlock number required The optlock field is used to detect that this entity has not been modified by someone else. When updating an entity, first do a find to get the latest version of the entity and note the value of the optlock. Then in the update operation, set the optlock value to match the value that you found. If someone else has updated the entity between your find and update operations, the update will fail and the db/server will return an error.

See this stackoverflow question for more information on optimistic locking.


  "id" : 12345,
  "accountId" : 12345,
  "createdOn" : 12345,
  "modifiedOn" : 12345,
  "userId" : 12345,
  "deviceId" : "...",
  "inetAddress" : "...",
  "optlock" : 12345