DeviceJobs Resource

GET /deviceJobs

Returns the list of all Device Job of the current account with pagination.

Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
displayName query If specified result are filtered by display name. Display name is not unique so more than one result can be obtained.  
limit query Maximum number of entries to be returned. Note that an error will be returned if the maximum allowed value is exceeded. 50 required
offset query Starting offset for the entries to be returned. Note that an error will be returned if the maximum allowed value is exceeded. 0 required
useLike query If false the method matches the whole display name. If true the method matches all display names that starts with the specified display name. false required
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json DeviceJobsResult (JSON) The list of all Device Job of the current account
application/xml deviceJobsResult (XML)


GET /deviceJobs
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "deviceJob" : [ {
    "status" : "WAITING_FOR_DEVICES",
    "cronRetryExpression" : "...",
    "endOn" : 12345,
    "cronNextRetryOn" : 12345,
    "retryEvery" : 12345,
    "resumed" : true,
    "requestTimeout" : 12345,
    "processOnConnect" : true,
    "sendWakeupSMS" : true,
    "wakeupTimeout" : 12345,
    "deviceInactivityTimeout" : 12345,
    "id" : 12345,
    "accountId" : 12345,
    "jobType" : "device_config_update",
    "displayName" : "...",
    "jobProperties" : "...",
    "createdOn" : 12345,
    "createdBy" : 12345,
    "startOn" : 12345,
    "retryMaxAttempts" : 12345,
    "retryCount" : 12345,
    "optlock" : 12345
  }, {
    "status" : "RUNNING",
    "cronRetryExpression" : "...",
    "endOn" : 12345,
    "cronNextRetryOn" : 12345,
    "retryEvery" : 12345,
    "resumed" : true,
    "requestTimeout" : 12345,
    "processOnConnect" : true,
    "sendWakeupSMS" : true,
    "wakeupTimeout" : 12345,
    "deviceInactivityTimeout" : 12345,
    "id" : 12345,
    "accountId" : 12345,
    "jobType" : "device_certificate_update",
    "displayName" : "...",
    "jobProperties" : "...",
    "createdOn" : 12345,
    "createdBy" : 12345,
    "startOn" : 12345,
    "retryMaxAttempts" : 12345,
    "retryCount" : 12345,
    "optlock" : 12345
  } ],
  "limitExceeded" : true

POST /deviceJobs

Creates and schedule a Device Job based on the information in the DeviceJobCreator.

Target ClientIDs

In a Device job target clientIDs can be specified specifically and/or specifying tagIDs that groups them. It is possible to use any combination of both declaration, and duplicates are automatically detected and removed.

Job Type

The following operation are supported in a Device Job:
  • Configuration Update: updates one or more components on the target ClientIDs
  • Software Install: installs or updates a package on the target ClientIDs that supports DEPLOY-V1 application
  • Software Install V2: installs or updates a package on the target ClientIDs that supports DEPLOY-V2 application
  • Software Uninstall: uninstalls a package on the target ClientIDs that supports DEPLOY-V1 application
  • Software Uninstall V2: uninstalls a package on the target ClientIDs that supports DEPLOY-V2 application
  • Command: executes a remote command on the target ClientIDs

Configuration Update

This Job is used to change the configuration of one ore more components on all target ClientIDs.
The configuration file must be specified on the JobAttachment field, while anything wrote in the jobPropertiesMap field is ignored.
Please refer to JobAttachmentCreator documentation.

Software Install

This Job is used to install or update a package on all target ClientIDs that support DEPLOY-V1 application.
The package to be installed via:

  • File: The package will be uploaded to EDC platform and then sent to all target device. The package file must be specified on the JobAttachment field. Please refer to JobAttachmentCreator documentation.
  • URL: The package will be download directly by the target device using the URL given. Properties needs to be added to jobPropertiesMap field. Available properties for this type of job via URL are listed below.
  • Name Type Mandatory Default Value
    deployUrl String Yes

Software Install V2

This Job is used to install or update a package on all target ClientIDs that support DEPLOY-V2 application.
Properties needs to be added to jobPropertiesMap field. Available properties for this type of job are listed below.

Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
dp.uri String Yes The deployment package (or .sh script) URI where to download the file. String yes The deployment package name to install.
This is used on the device to search for already installed version of this package.
dp.version String Yes The deployment package version to install.
This is used on the device to manage the updates of the packages. String No HTTP The protocol used to download the file from the URI
Available protocols:
  • HTTP (which includes both HTTP and HTTPS) Integer No null The size in Byte of the blocks used to download the DP via HTTP. Integer No 0 Delay in ms between block transfers. Integer No null The interval of Bytes between notification messages. Integer No 60000 The timeout in ms to be used to download the DP via HTTP. Boolean No true Resume HTTP transfer if supported by the server. Boolean No true Force the download of the file, even if it has been already downloaded and saved to the file system of the device. String No null Username for password protected http download. No authentication will be tried if username is not present. String No null Password for password protected http download. No authentication will be tried if password is not present. String No null The algorithm and value of the hash of the file used to verify the integrity of the download.
The format is of this property is: {algorithm}:{hashValue}
Available algorithm:
  • MD5
  • MD5:46cbc7f212b94187cb6480fe9429a89c
dp.install Boolean No true Whether the package should be immediately installed after being downloaded.
dp.install.system.update Boolean No false Mark this install as a system install.
The device needs to know if this is a system update rather than a bundle/package update.
dp.install.verifier.uri String No null The verifier script URI to run after the installation of the system update.
If not given the device will consider the operation successfully completed if is able to run the system update.
dp.reboot Boolean No false Whether the system should be rebooted as part of the package installation process.
dp.reboot.delay Integer No 0 Delay in ms after which the device will be rebooted. Only meaningful if dp.reboot==true.

Software Uninstall

This Job is used to uninstall a package on all target Client IDs.
The package name must match the package name installed on the target client IDs that support DEPLOY-V1 application.
The package name must be declared in the JobProperties field. Anything set in JobAttachment field will be ignored.
Properties needs to be added to jobPropertiesMap field. Available properties for this type of job are listed below.

Name Type Mandatory Default Value
packageName String Yes

Software Uninstall V2

This Job is used to uninstall a package on all target ClientIDs that support DEPLOY-V2 application.
Properties needs to be added to jobPropertiesMap field. Available properties for this type of job are listed below.

Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description String Yes The deployment package symbolic name to uninstall.
This is used on the device to select which package will be uninstalled.
dp.reboot Boolean No false Whether the system should be rebooted as part of the package uninstall process.
dp.reboot.delay Integer No 0 Delay in ms after which the device will be rebooted. Only meaningful if dp.reboot==true.


This Job is used to execute a remote command on the target device.
The command must be a recognized command by the OS installed on your device. The working directory of the execution will be /tmp/ of the device.
It is possible to attach a file to this job that will be uploaded to the target device into /tmp/ directory. The file attached must be in a valid .zip compressed format, and it will be automatically decompressed by the device on receiving.

The command must be declared in the JobProperties field. The optional file attached must be specified on the JobAttachment field. Please refer to JobAttachmentCreator documentation.
Is not possible to concatenate more command using | (pipe) or > (close angular parenthesis).
For example the command "cat text.txt | grep test" does not work as concatenation of both commands, but all string except the first will be passed as parameters of the first string, that represent the command, with the result of executing cat of four files.
To achieve concatenation of parameters or more complicated executions please create a script and add it as attachment of the job and then use the command to run the script.

Properties needs to be added to jobPropertiesMap field. Available properties for this type of job are listed below.

Name Type Mandatory Default Value
command String Yes

Job Scheduling

There are two way to define the scheduling for a device job:
  • Simple scheduling: defined by a start date and a fixed retry interval (and optional end date).
  • Cron scheduling: defined by a Cron Expression and limited by a start date (and optional end date).

Simple scheduling

This scheduling needs:

  • Start Date: the time of the first execution of this device job. This field is mandatory.
  • End Date: the time after that the job must not be triggered anymore. This field is optional, and if not set the device job will stop when it reaches the max number of retries
  • Max Number Of Retries: the number of times that a job can be re-triggered. If end date is set and is passed the job will not be triggered. This field is mandatory
  • Retry Every: the interval in second between each retry. This field is mandatory. If set to 0 the job will be triggered only once and one time.

Cron scheduling

This scheduling needs:

  • Start Date: the time after that executions of this device job will be triggered. This field is mandatory.
  • End Date: the time after that the job must not be triggered anymore. This field is optional.
  • Max Number Of Retries: the number of times that a job can be re-triggered. If end date is set and is passed the job will not be triggered. This field is mandatory.
  • Cron Expression: this field represent the scheduling of this job following the Cron Expression syntax. Please refer to the Cron Expression Documentation.

Request Body
media type data type
application/json DeviceJobCreator (JSON)
application/xml deviceJobCreator (XML)
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json DeviceJob (JSON)
application/xml deviceJob (XML)


POST /deviceJobs
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

  "accountId" : 12345,
  "jobType" : "device_software_install",
  "jobDisplayName" : "...",
  "jobAttachment" : {
    "name" : "...",
    "contentType" : "BUNDLE",
    "body" : "..."
  "targetClientIds" : [ "...", "..." ],
  "targetDeviceTag" : [ 12345, 12345 ],
  "startOn" : 12345,
  "endOn" : 12345,
  "timezoneInMins" : 12345,
  "cronRetryExpression" : "...",
  "retryEvery" : 12345,
  "retryMaxAttempts" : 12345,
  "selectAllClientIds" : true,
  "jobPropertiesMap" : {
    "parameter" : [ {
      "name" : "...",
      "value" : "..."
    }, {
      "name" : "...",
      "value" : "..."
    } ]
  "requestTimeout" : 12345,
  "processOnConnect" : true,
  "sendWakeupSMS" : true,
  "wakeupTimeout" : 12345,
  "deviceInactivityTimeout" : 12345
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

  "status" : "COMPLETED",
  "cronRetryExpression" : "...",
  "endOn" : 12345,
  "cronNextRetryOn" : 12345,
  "retryEvery" : 12345,
  "resumed" : true,
  "requestTimeout" : 12345,
  "processOnConnect" : true,
  "sendWakeupSMS" : true,
  "wakeupTimeout" : 12345,
  "deviceInactivityTimeout" : 12345,
  "id" : 12345,
  "accountId" : 12345,
  "jobType" : "device_software_install",
  "displayName" : "...",
  "jobProperties" : "...",
  "createdOn" : 12345,
  "createdBy" : 12345,
  "startOn" : 12345,
  "retryMaxAttempts" : 12345,
  "retryCount" : 12345,
  "optlock" : 12345

DELETE /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}

Deletes the device job specified in the path parameter and related data of executions and target clientIDs.

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
deviceJobId path required


DELETE /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}
Content-Type: */*

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


GET /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}

Return the device job specified in the path parameter

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
deviceJobId path required
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json DeviceJob (JSON) The requested device job
application/xml deviceJob (XML)


GET /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "status" : "STARTED",
  "cronRetryExpression" : "...",
  "endOn" : 12345,
  "cronNextRetryOn" : 12345,
  "retryEvery" : 12345,
  "resumed" : true,
  "requestTimeout" : 12345,
  "processOnConnect" : true,
  "sendWakeupSMS" : true,
  "wakeupTimeout" : 12345,
  "deviceInactivityTimeout" : 12345,
  "id" : 12345,
  "accountId" : 12345,
  "jobType" : "device_certificate_revoke",
  "displayName" : "...",
  "jobProperties" : "...",
  "createdOn" : 12345,
  "createdBy" : 12345,
  "startOn" : 12345,
  "retryMaxAttempts" : 12345,
  "retryCount" : 12345,
  "optlock" : 12345

PUT /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}

Updates the max number of retries for the specified device job.

The number set must greater of the current retries.

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
deviceJobId path required
Request Body
media type data type
application/json DeviceJob (JSON)
application/xml deviceJob (XML)
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json DeviceJob (JSON)
application/xml deviceJob (XML)


PUT /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

  "status" : "STOPPED",
  "cronRetryExpression" : "...",
  "endOn" : 12345,
  "cronNextRetryOn" : 12345,
  "retryEvery" : 12345,
  "resumed" : true,
  "requestTimeout" : 12345,
  "processOnConnect" : true,
  "sendWakeupSMS" : true,
  "wakeupTimeout" : 12345,
  "deviceInactivityTimeout" : 12345,
  "id" : 12345,
  "accountId" : 12345,
  "jobType" : "device_certificate_update",
  "displayName" : "...",
  "jobProperties" : "...",
  "createdOn" : 12345,
  "createdBy" : 12345,
  "startOn" : 12345,
  "retryMaxAttempts" : 12345,
  "retryCount" : 12345,
  "optlock" : 12345
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json

  "status" : "STARTED",
  "cronRetryExpression" : "...",
  "endOn" : 12345,
  "cronNextRetryOn" : 12345,
  "retryEvery" : 12345,
  "resumed" : true,
  "requestTimeout" : 12345,
  "processOnConnect" : true,
  "sendWakeupSMS" : true,
  "wakeupTimeout" : 12345,
  "deviceInactivityTimeout" : 12345,
  "id" : 12345,
  "accountId" : 12345,
  "jobType" : "device_command",
  "displayName" : "...",
  "jobProperties" : "...",
  "createdOn" : 12345,
  "createdBy" : 12345,
  "startOn" : 12345,
  "retryMaxAttempts" : 12345,
  "retryCount" : 12345,
  "optlock" : 12345

GET /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}/executions

Return the list of the executions for the specified Device Job supporting pagination. The device job executions contains the log of the execution.

Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
deviceJobId path   required
fetchLogs query true required
limit query Maximum number of entries to be returned. Note that an error will be returned if the maximum allowed value is exceeded. 50 required
offset query Starting offset for the entries to be returned. Note that an error will be returned if the maximum allowed value is exceeded. 0 required
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json DeviceJobExecutionsResult (JSON)
application/xml deviceJobExecutionsResult (XML)


GET /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}/executions
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "deviceJobExecution" : [ {
    "status" : "STOPPED",
    "accountId" : 12345,
    "jobId" : 12345,
    "executionId" : 12345,
    "startedOn" : 12345,
    "endedOn" : 12345,
    "log" : "...",
    "optlock" : 12345
  }, {
    "status" : "STOPPED",
    "accountId" : 12345,
    "jobId" : 12345,
    "executionId" : 12345,
    "startedOn" : 12345,
    "endedOn" : 12345,
    "log" : "...",
    "optlock" : 12345
  } ],
  "limitExceeded" : true

GET /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}/targets

Return the list of the target of the specified device job supporting pagination. It also supports filtering by DeviceJobTargetStatus. If not specified all DevicesJobTargetStatus are selected.

Request Parameters
name type description default constraints multivalued
deviceJobId path   required no
limit query Maximum number of entries to be returned. Note that an error will be returned if the maximum allowed value is exceeded. 50 required no
offset query Starting offset for the entries to be returned. Note that an error will be returned if the maximum allowed value is exceeded. 0 required no
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json DeviceJobTargetsResult (JSON)
application/xml deviceJobTargetsResult (XML)


GET /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}/targets
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "deviceJobTargets" : [ {
    "accountId" : 12345,
    "jobId" : 12345,
    "clientId" : "...",
    "createdOn" : 12345,
    "modifiedOn" : 12345,
    "status" : "CREATED",
    "statusMessage" : "...",
    "lastUpdateOn" : 12345,
    "progressPercentage" : 12345
  }, {
    "accountId" : 12345,
    "jobId" : 12345,
    "clientId" : "...",
    "createdOn" : 12345,
    "modifiedOn" : 12345,
    "status" : "CREATED",
    "statusMessage" : "...",
    "lastUpdateOn" : 12345,
    "progressPercentage" : 12345
  } ],
  "limitExceeded" : true

GET /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}/targets/{targetClientId}

Get the information for the specified Target Client ID in the specified Device Job

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
deviceJobId path required
targetClientId path  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json DeviceJobTarget (JSON)
application/xml deviceJobTarget (XML)


GET /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}/targets/{targetClientId}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "accountId" : 12345,
  "jobId" : 12345,
  "clientId" : "...",
  "createdOn" : 12345,
  "modifiedOn" : 12345,
  "statusMessage" : "...",
  "lastUpdateOn" : 12345,
  "progressPercentage" : 12345

POST /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}/executions/{deviceJobExecutionId}/sendStopSignal

Send a stop signal to the device job execution. The stop signal will be captured only at next target, so is not possible to stop the device job during the current item processed.

Be careful that stopping a device job can be harmful for the target devices

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
deviceJobExecutionId path required
deviceJobId path the device job id to stop required


POST /deviceJobs/{deviceJobId}/executions/{deviceJobExecutionId}/sendStopSignal
Content-Type: */*

HTTP/1.1 201 Created